It was really quite beautiful.
And I also took some truly adorable photos of my three year old using the potty like a big boy. I won't embarrass him by posting pics on my blog, though. He's been doing really well with the potty training . . . at least until Dave's folks showed up. But he's getting himself lined back out again, since they left this morning.
Here's a hypothetical question for you. If you were scooping up ice cream for root beer floats and your mother-in-law came in to "help", then proceeded to eat ice cream out of the container, what would you say or do? NOT that my mother-in-law would do any such thing! (lol) I hate to waste good ice cream, but since she was coughing all over the place this morning, I'm thinking that pitching it is in order. *sigh* There goes my comfort food for the rest of the week.