And I knew the toys wouldn't just magically disappear, so I rolled up my sleeves and jumped in. I ruthlessly cleaned out their toy boxes to make room for their newly aquired gifts, and I believe I actually found a place for everything and got it all put in it's respective spot without cluttering things up too badly.

For the time being . . . the kids are going to have to share the train table. It will eventually go in Eli's room (when I finally finish paint touch-up).
Bayleigh is going to have a special shelving system built by daddy, just to house all her My Little Ponies and Polly Pockets. And this may turn out to be quite a project with all the little pieces and parts these items seem to come with.
I DID manage to get the Christmas tree taken down and the ornaments and decorations packed up for storage. They're not IN the storage as of yet, but tomorrow is another day . . .
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