I'm really looking hard for signs of Spring in amongst the crazy weather around here . . .

And did I mention that I like taking pictures of sleeping children? Particularly my own!
Ahhh . . . there's simply nothing sweeter now is there . . .
Life in Photos
And Amber over at Homeschool Diva, left a nice comment about the above photo, with a little note about trying the Manual setting on my camera. I haven't tapped into that level of my photography . . . but I broke out the ole' manual and came up with a few neat shots.
I loved the shadowy look of the above photo of my lens cap, next to my computer keyboard . . .
and although I didn't have a very willing participant to practise on, I still managed to get a few shots to come out. I'm DEFINITELY going to have to play more with my Manual settings. All those settings and stuff just frankly intimidate me to pieces . . . but I'll get over it in time. I hope!
And as deathly ill as I was today, I managed to take the kids for a walk to grandmas. I ended up bringing Kasey back home with us, for 45 minutes or so to play.
And I squeaked out a pretty poor layout today . . . but I wanted to use some of those old Pooh stickers I've had running around for eons. I'll just have to say, mission complete on this one, and hope I'm feeling a little more creative tomorrow.
Do you remember that Bill the Cat character from the Doonesbury cartoon? That's how I feel like I look right now . . . bulging eyeballs, wild hair and all. Here's hoping for some relief from all the sinus pressure I'm feeling right now . . .
I crammed my whole to-do list into a few hours this morning, just so I could go to Bayleigh's Valentine's party at school. (She BEGGED me to come, before she hopped on the bus this morning.) The party went pretty well . . . lots of treats . . . a movie . . .
and Eli even got to participate!
When it was time to go, though, things really went downhill fast. Bayleigh decided to throw a MAJOR hissy, because she wanted to ride the bus home with grandma instead of going home with me. But I'd already told my mom that she was going home with me, so we really didn't have much of an option at that point. She dug in her heels, screamed and yelled, sobbed like she was dying, and embarrassed me to no end. Thankfully my friend Nicole was there and she helped me with Eli, while I literally drug Bayleigh to the car and wrestled her into the car seat. She kicked the back of my seat and screamed at me all the way home. Then she was strictly disciplined and I made her lay down and take a nap.
She's gonna miss out on those play dates every couple of days after school, for a while. Maybe someday she'll learn to control that little temper of hers . . .
Here's hoping!