and at least he's always "dressed". I've been noticing a large portion of my photos contain my children in some state of undress . . . usually running around in underwear or a diaper. Truth be knownst, I'd probably run around like this too, if there weren't so many people stopping by unexpectedly at all hours. I must rectify this, if I'm going to post pictures of the kids on my blog, though. Somebody just needs to remind me to put clothes on them before I start snapping away.
Mom and I and the kids went grocery shopping today. (I really abhor shopping . . . especially when I'm sick with sinus gunk going on!) The good points . . . I took my camera to play with, AND I picked up some sinus medication, which I took immediately! I hope to be feeling somewhat normal tomorrow.

And I'll leave you with another layout . . . not really my style. I'll just blame the sudafed induced haze . . .

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