Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 17, 2010

Today I'm thankful for a glimpse of sunshine.  A glimpse was just about all I got . . .

I managed to snap two photos of my irises,

before the clouds claimed it once again.

While I was out, I decided to goof around and see what I could find to photograph.  I believe the little purple flowers above, belong to a wild garlic plant, but I'm not 100% sure.  They're very lovely and the flowers only last a short while.

I have NO idea what this is, but I'm betting it's a weed.  It kind of looked like cauliflower.

And it's good to know that the Ivy is flourishing . . . not that I'll be messing with it.

I couldn't get Butterball (I mean Bandit) to pose for me, but his brother Socks didn't mind at all.

The little kittens are getting braver and friskier every day.  It's quite comical to watch them in action.  They're getting into everything now.

Kind of like someone else I know.  My poor little man looks awful today.  That header into the entertainment center yesterday, left it's mark on him in a big way.  It hasn't seemed to phase him though.  He's been high energy all day!

And as I was fixing supper for the kids, I happened to see another glimpse of the sun (the clouds were PINK)!  I ran upstairs and grabbed my camera for this sunset shot, just before it cleared the horizon.

It's been another busy, busy day of house cleaning and I've made so many phone calls for the 4-H cake walk on Saturday, that I never want to see a phone again! 


  1. Your little man looks awesome and your photos looks very lively and full of beautiful colors. Love every single one of them.

    I also took my sunset shot today ;)

    I see why you noted on Facebook that you hated phones ;). I DON'T, that's one thing I can't live without ;)

  2. Thanks M. I always keep my cell on too, I just don't like to use it all that often, if I don't have to. Too much to do to be distracted by the phone. lol What would we do without them, though?

  3. Its true, there's too much distractions these day..
