My running list: Got Bayleigh ready for school, packed her lunch and got breakfast down both kids. Unloaded and loaded the dishwasher. Put Bayleigh on the bus. Took a shower with the little guy. Started a load of laundry. Folded a load of laundry. Picked up . . . and vacuumed the living room floor. Did a quick check of emails. Loaded 2 gallons of paint in the Jeep. Eli and I delivered the paint to my sister-in-law, and I took pictures of one of her puppies to email to someone who might be interested in taking her. Drove to the high school cafeteria (where my mom was working) and picked up 25 pounds of frozen chicken for her. Drove the backroads home and unloaded the chicken into my freezer (mom's was full). Sorted and purged all my scrapbooking scraps, and put them in their proper location. Put the clothes in the dryer, and started another load. Went through my closet and purged clothing. (Lots of stuff for a yard sale!) Lunch. Got Eli down for his nap. Washed the walls in Bayleigh's bedroom. Moved all the tools and misc. construction "stuff" from Eli's room, to shelves in our bedroom (which will be moved out as quickly as I can get finished on the house and organize the garage). Swept the floor in Eli's room in preparation for washing his walls. Got Bayleigh off the bus. Took the kids for a walk, down to my sister-in-laws, so Bayleigh could play with Kasey. Left Bayleigh to play and walked back home (uphill a mile) with Eli riding on my shoulders. Stopped at grandma's on the way back. Mom, Eli and I, went to the neighbors to pick up a twin sized mattress for Bayleigh's bed. Mom helped me unload the mattress, take the bed apart and put it back together correctly. Unloaded the dryer, and put the second load in. Folded more clothes. Popped in a frozen pizza for supper. (I always keep a back-up for when I'm too pooped to cook real food.) Fed the kids and myself. Bathed both kids. Braided Bayleigh's hair. Up to bed. Read three stories. And I was out like a light! All this added up to 11, 281 steps.
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