I love seeing a man wielding a vacuum . . . even if it's my LITTLE man. Obviously my morning schedule is rubbing off on him, and if I do things out of order, he will definitely let me know about it! Apparently my OCD has rubbed off onto my youngest. Whether this is good or bad, we have yet to tell . . .

Overall, today was a very productive day for the housework. When Bayleigh got off the bus . . .

I stopped along the driveway to get a few pictures of my Irises. I happened to glance up to see a giggling girl and a full moon. Crazy kid! I'm glad no one drove by on the highway and caught her in all her glory.

Shortly after she got home from school, thunderstorms started moving in, so I contemplated not taking her to T-Ball practise . . . but the coach called to say we'd be having practise in the gym, and Bayleigh begged to go, so I called grandma to see if she could watch Eli, while I drove Bayleigh to practise.

On the way back from practise, mom called to say that Eli had ran into the entertainment center and gashed his head open. I was thinking it was probably just a small cut, but when I got home it was 20x worse than I'd imagined. Thankfully Dave came home from clinicals, right on my heels. We bandaged him up, grandma took Bayleigh home with her, and we headed off to the Emergency room for stitches.

Luckily we got in quickly. My little man was a trooper and hardly cried at all (he did MUCH better than I would have)! After the stitches were finished up, one of the nurses brought him an ice cream bar, and Harold the security guard fixed him up with this cute little rocker. He came out of things no worse for the wear, and now he's got a favorite new chair to sit in.
After hitting Wendy's for a *really* late supper, we made a quick trip through Wal-Mart for bandages, picked up Bayleigh around 10:30 and got everyone to bed by 11:30. What a day!