and then the elephants. That's all her little buddy wanted to see. Luckily I spotted this momma goose sitting on her nest . . . which I thought was really cool . . .
and then we made our way to the petting zoo, which was completely at the other end of the zoo. So the girls got to see ALL the animals, whether they wanted to or not!

Bayleigh's little zoo buddy gave out at the tiger pen and wanted me to carry her, but I quickly put the nix on that one! I'm OLD and I was trekking along just fine, so I thought surely those little legs of hers could function until we finished the tour . . . so I let them take several breaks to rest their legs.
Of course mine wasn't tired at all! She wanted to know when we got done, if she could go back and play at the playground area. We let her have a few more moments of play with her school buddies . . .
and then we made a few stops to pick up some gardening supplies. The kids both took a short nap before we made it to Lowes, and I was feeling in desparate need of one myself! Unfortunately I had to wait until we made it home. The only thing that kept me going was a hot fudge/carmel sundae from Culver's.
Late nights, early mornings and a kindergarten field trip can sure take it out of you!
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