After the first dozen or so went through, I decided to take the kids outside to watch them go by . . .

I like the fact that I saw some women driving these beautiful old cars, too . . .

and the majority of the drivers and passengers were VERY friendly and honked and waved at us. The fellows below even tossed out a postcard, which stated that their car was a 1932 Ford Dirt Track Racer, and the owners/drivers were Howard and Douglas Sharp from Fairport, N.Y.

As I watched all these beautiful old cars go by, I wondered what ever happened to grace and style in the vehicle industry. As you can see from the photo below . . . that old car has such wonderful detail, compared to the plain, suppository style mini van, impatiently waiting to blow it's doors off . . .

I truly admire these guys. I looked up the website www.greatrace.com/ and it showed there wasn't a race listed for 2009, however, that's apparently what was going on here today. These guys were driving in sweltering heat, in these old cars, and each and every one of them looked like they were having the time of their lives! Just another reason to slow down and enjoy the ride!
How fun is that!!! Great pictures!!