I do believe this 4-H thing is going to be a fun activity for everyone involved, though. It's amazing how these kids just gravitate to each other and become instant friends. You'd have thought they had known each other their whole lives . . .

Of course, kids in this age group tend to be a little rambuctious, and ornery . . .

but they were pretty well behaved, overall. We learned quite a bit about poultry today, and how they were judged. Very cool. I had NO idea that showing poultry was such a big thing . . .

and we couldn't have been more surprised, when Bayleigh's Buff Cochin Bantam pullet won Grand Champion and Best of Show!

She also received 5 blue ribbons for her mixture of chicks. We were so very proud of our little girl and she's done such a good job taking care of them! I don't even have to tell her to go and feed them each morning. She automatically gets up, puts her clothes on and goes out to let them out of their roost and feeds them.
I believe this will be the first of many shows and I think she's off to a wonderful start!
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