Tuesdays I usually spend cleaning the bathrooms, but for some reason I got side-tracked in the kitchen. I moved the refrigerator and cleaned behind and under it (and found all kinds of strange things), cleaned off counter tops and the insides of a few cabinets, and mopped the floor on my hands and knees. The floor was WAY overdue for a good scrubbing and I know that tomorrow it will be a mess once again, but RIGHT NOW . . . it's lookin' good! I had to get a picture . . .

The kids' rooms just needed a touch up cleaning . . .

and the beds made, and they looked pretty good, too.

I wish I could get the rest of the house clean like this . . . and all at the same time! Aw well . . . I guess that's job security for me.
You have been a busy gal!! It all looks all great!!