Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 13, 2009

Today was my baby girl's first day of school. As much as my kids fight and bicker, I know that deep down (way down deep) they really do love each other.

We drove Bayleigh to school for her first day, and on the way there Eli decided to cover his ears and yell at the top of his lungs, "I can't hear you mommy! Speak up!" I hope this isn't a pre-cursor to the coming year.

Bayleigh has been so excited to go to school, and doubly so, since her little buddy Ella is in her class this year. I'm so glad they'll be together this year.

As soon as Bayleigh got off the bus this afternoon, Eli was running in to give her a hug. He really did miss her today, but it looks like school completely zapped her. She was so tired . . . but not too tired to start a game of Monopoly with me.

And what did I do all day, while my baby girl was gone . . . I CLEANED! I'm getting the old upstairs bedroom cleaned out in preparation for painting. This is going to be my little "retreat".

Since we never finished the remodel on the schoolhouse before we moved in, I thought, what better time than the present! Wish me luck!

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