I actually got quite a bit accomplished today. THREE loads of dishes, I lost count on the laundry, and I sorted and purged a lot of clothing in my closet. While I was cleaning away . . . this really thick, eerie fog started moving in . . .
I didn't think anything of it at the time, other than . . . I've GOT to get pictures!
But it must have been a foretaste of the weather to come.
I made peanut butter balls before supper and they turned out REALLY rich. I couldn't even eat a whole one. Hmmm . . . what to do with the rest? They're really good, but I don't need the extra poundage right at the moment. Thank you very much.
We usually have Christmas dinner at mom's house, and open presents there on Christmas Eve, but my brother had to work, so we're changing things around a little this year. This year, mom came over and we fixed Mexican food. Quesadillas and tacos. Mmmmm.
Then we let the kids open presents.
It was after midnight when I finally made it to bed, but I snapped a shot of the stockings, all hung with care, before Santa decended upon us all.
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