As I was getting Bayleigh off to school, I noticed that Eli's wagon was loaded down with his tricycle in the front yard. Looks like it's time to park these in the garage for the winter.
I'm trying to stay focused this month, by doing one little thing at a time. Today, I finally brought out the Christmas decorations. Out of all the ornaments we've purchased over the years, the kids' favorite is this one . . .
that I purchased in a box of Christmas decorations at a yard sale, of all things. I think it has something to do with those little string and button legs. Maybe someday I'll feel the creative juices again, and attempt to make a few more.
With all the projects I have going this month, "FOCUS" will be the key. Wish me luck!
I love the picture of the wagon and the trike! It is so perfect! Very sweet. Good reminder about staying focused this month. It is so easy to go crazy during December!