Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30, 2010

Today I'm grateful for my family.  Although I'm mostly single parenting while hubby is going to school and working full time, he got up early this morning and fixed me breakfast in bed (per Bayleigh's orders), and played a game of Parcheezi with Bayleigh before he left for work.

And before he left, my mom called saying she wanted the kids to come over to play for awhile.  It was an unexpected event . . . me not having anyone at home to take care of . . . so I spent half an hour out in the snow taking some fun, off the wall photos.

Someday I'll figure out how to process my photos in PSE, but until then, auto contrast is just going to have to do!

I picked the kids up two hours later, and proceeded to do some more sorting upstairs, but my heart just wasn't in it.  SO unmotivated today, and I think I could sleep for DAYS.

I know how busy this next month is going to be, and the thought just makes me want to hibernate.  A layout a day, Library of Memories class, basketball camp every weekend . . . and tons and tons of photos to edit.  It makes me tired just thinking about it.  I've GOT to shake this off and get back in the saddle, so to speak . . . or February just might kill me.

I think I'll brew up another jug of sweet tea.  It may be the only thing that gets me through the next month.


  1. My favorite is the first one! I loved sorry when I was a kid! That is sorry isn't it?

  2. Thanks so much for all the kind comments! And photo #1 is a game of Parcheesi. Very similar to Sorry. My little girl is pretty competitive, but she lost this round to daddy. ;)
