Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5, 2009

Today I'm thankful for a second wind.  I woke up tired, after sleeping in for an hour and it just seemed to set the pace for the rest of the day.  It took me FOREVER to get Bayleigh's books sorted and put back on her shelf . . .

and I thought we were NEVER going to make it through all her clothes.  Eli was aggravating, and Bayleigh was determined not to back down . . . so it made for a very frustrating morning.  I think I would have traded Dave places today, just for some peace.  (He was cutting wood in the artic temperatures.)  But we FINALLY made it through and I got everything sorted and put back in place.  We ended up purging two garbage bags full of clothes. My girl is growing like crazy!

I must say, her closet looks MUCH better now, and we'll be all ready and raring to go for school in the morning.

There is ice hanging from the vehicles . . .

and the composter . . .

but thank goodness we have HEAT!

I just happened to be out filling the stove as the sun was setting, and I had to capture the moment.

I'm hoping it warms up just a little bit, in the near future.  I really don't like to expose my camera (or myself) to these crazy temperatures.  Unfortunately they're calling for more snow tomorrow afternoon.  We'll see if school lasts for the full day tomorrow, or if they end up getting out early . . .  with the mood I was in today, I could really use that full day.

1 comment:

  1. Great organization! I love the shot of the camera lens cover. BURRR! Stay warm!
