Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010

Today I'm thankful for creative moments.  I don't have many photos today, because I was busy cleaning.  But I did take a little time out for some creative fun . . .

One of our prompts for the Picture Spring class was to take a photo of a heart.  I decided to make my own with Crayons.  It was a little more difficult than I thought it would be, but it was fun!

I also played out in the rain this afternoon.  It was sprinkling just hard enough to get me soaked by the time I finished taking pictures.

But it was warm enough outside to play.  I like playing in the rain.  Next time I'll take the kids out to play with me!


  1. That heart is AMAZING!

  2. Photographing mom is totally right, the heart is awesome.

    Love the sprinkles on the plants, think they turned out perfectly. Playing in the rain is lots of fun.. Happy to hear you enjoy it with the kids.
