Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24, 2010

Today I'm thankful for time well spent with my children.  I woke up early (on my regular sleep in day), to lots of dark clouds and a sprinkling of rain.

I wasn't sure if our 5k would be called off or not, but after my mom came and picked up Eli, Bayleigh and I headed off to see.

It sprinkled on and off until about 5 minutes before race time . . . then it proceeded to open up and literally POUR down rain.

But we were game, so we jumped in and got soaked with the rest of the crew.  At about the half mile mark, Bayleigh twisted her ankle and fell, and she asked me to stay with her through the rest of the race.  So I down-shifted on the pace, and we walked/jogged the rest of the race hand in hand.  I was so proud of her.  Even though she whined (a lot) we made it through to the very end.  She's a little trooper.  And even though there aren't any photos of us holding hands and crossing the finish line together, it will be forever imbedded in my memory. 

Bayleigh is going through a stage of where she doesn't want me to hold her hand, or show her any affection in public, but today was an exception, and something I'll cherish for the rest of my life . . . and I hope she will too.

She placed third in her age division and brought home a bronze medal.  Each of her friends got medals too!  They all did a SUPER job.  Three miles is quite a hike for these kids.

I ended up placing 6th in my age bracket, which I thought was pretty good, since the majority of the runners were in my age group.  Not to mention slowing it down for my short one.  Next year . . . they'll be eating our dirt! lol

After we finished up the awards ceremony, I ran a few errands in town and picked up Eli from my mom's house.  Then we all headed home to change clothes and dry off for our trip to Springfield.  It rained all the way down . . . 

until I hit the city limits.  I exchanged a few items at the mall and then went to pick up my new computer.

Now I'm looking for a name.  I've just GOT to name this baby . . . it will be holding all of my precious photos, so it will be like a fourth child (Bayleigh is number 1, Eli is number 2, and my Canon is number three).  Any suggestions?

I managed to get everything done in town at the exact moment the skies opened up again.

The trip home was done very slowly, due to the high winds, rain and hail pelting down, but it finally let up about the time I made it home. (Go figure!)

I was completely wiped out.  So I ended up laying on the floor playing some games with the kids before I headed outside to do the chores.  There were a few plants that caught my eye, as the sun was setting, so I grabbed my camera for a few shots.

On the way back into the house I noticed that the wind chimes on our deck, just outside our bedroom were quiet.  They haven't been still for almost a three days, with all the wind and rain coming down.  I enjoy the chimes, but I'm hoping that tonight, they'll remain at peace and I can settle in for a good night's sleep.

I also managed to work up a batch of friendship bread that hubby had brought home from work.  I had NO idea what I was doing, so I hope it turns out half way edible. 

I think I might just turn in early tonight . . . but we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go on the run, for both of you. It is a great activity for kids. And wonderful pictures, too!
