Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 2, 2010

Today I'm thankful for the ability to push myself beyond my body's limits.  My morning run was a little bit farther this morning and I ran more than I walked today.  One day at a time, one foot in front of the other . . . it will all come together some day.  Probably not in time for Saturday's 5k, but some day. 

It thundered and threatened to rain on us all day, but it didn't actually happen until late this afternoon.

Right as the sun was setting I captured what I could of this gorgeous rainbow.
(My photos never do them justice.)

And as I turned back toward the house, I decided to snap a few shots of the sun going down. 

I spent most of my day detail cleaning the house, since one of Bayleigh's friends will be over for a play date bright and early tomorrow.  I finally finished mopping the floor in the hallway around midnight.  I'm glad I caught a nap this afternoon, but now I can't seem to wind down.  Guess I need to search out a few tunes to lull me to sleep . . .


  1. This is very inspiring and relaxing at the same time.

    All I can say is WOW!!! The last shot is a keeper, I would enlarge it and hang it up in my living room..

    Well done dear!
