Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23, 2010

Today I'm thankful that my little girl isn't of driving age yet.  She's going to be the terror of the highways when she reaches 16.  Unfortunately I know it's going to get here sooner than I'm ready for.

Marc and the guys started re-roofing the old part of the house this morning at the crack of dawn.  Actually I'm sure they were here before the sun, just waiting for enough light to start working by.  They had everything finished up before noon!  Thankfully they weren't working through the hottest part of the day.  It's been miserably hot here this past week and we're still under a heat advisory.

Beccie picked up Bayleigh for her play date this morning, around 10:00 a.m. and then brought her back just in time for us to get out the door for the fair.  (Thanks Beccie . . . for having Bayleigh over.  We all need to get together soon!)

We were the first exhibitor's to show up, so we got registered and then the kids and I sat in the Jeep (which I'd parked in the shade), and the kids drank some water and had some snacks while we waited for everyone else to get set up and signed in.  We had to be there at 2:00 p.m. for sign in and set up, and the judging was held at 4:00 p.m.

The kids got to visit with some old friends from last year's show, and they also met some new friends.  I entered Eli with the two birds above.  The little one is a Silver Seabright Bantam and the larger one is a Golden Laced Cochin Bantam.  He ended up getting one blue ribbon and one red ribbon (mainly due to the fact that these two were very young birds) . . .

And Bayleigh got a blue ribbon for last year's Grand Champion/Best of Show.  This one also made 2nd reserve champ this year.

After the winners were announced, Bayleigh helped pass out the blue ribbons.  I think she had just as much fun passing out ribbons as she did showing her chicken! 

Next year, we'll take more chickens.  And hopefully I'll have some help with the kids.  It's hard keeping two small one's occupied for over 3 hours.  lol

After we finished up, we stopped by to see Dave at work and then ran through Dairy Queen for some ice cream. 

I'm just glad to have made it through the day in one piece.  I've taken 3 ibuprofen and I'm praying for a good night's sleep.  I'm BEAT! 


  1. Bayleigh looks so cute to be a terror on the roads when she's old enough to drive. I'm not worried about that ;)

    I hope you have a good night sleep and are 3 Ibuprofen not too much?

    Anyways, have a nice day!

  2. lol . . . Thanks M. You're safe on the roads for now.

    And 3 Ibuprofen for me is 600 mg. I don't take it often, but when my knee swells and hurts from running it helps to take the swelling down. ;)

  3. If you have Arthritis then I think Diclofenac (Voltaren) is what you should use and icing your knee after running is very good for swelling.

  4. If you have Arthritis then I think Diclofenac (Voltaren) is what you should use and icing your knee after running is very good for swelling.
