As Fall kicks into full force, I find myself appreciating even the tiniest glimpse of sunlight. This little patch lasted all of five minutes, and I was rather surprised to see it, as it was still raining when I took this shot . . .

The rest of my day was spent running all out. Getting everything priced and packed up to take to the LSS Garage Sale . . . washing and packing costumes for the kids for tonight. And then hitting the road to pick up Bayleigh at school, before taking my plunder to the Scrap Nook, to set up my table.

It took me approximately 10 minutes to set up, and another 15 to get the kids pried off the walls (how embarrassing), and back on the road again. They had been playing nicely together, until another little boy came in and started to play a little rambunctiously, and of course they had to join in. And they continued to act like undisciplined little buggers all the way to Springfield. I caught myself yelling at them while the Eagles sang, "I've got a peaceful, easy feeling . . ." in the background. Point taken.

We met up with Dave's folks at Bass Pro, and Dave joined us after he got out of clinicals. The kids were really impressed with the alligator, but I think he was giving us the evil eye . . .

They've done quite a bit of remodelling since we were there a month ago . . .

and it seems to be a good place to take the kids, just to walk off some of their energy.

After everyone got situated, we made plans, to eat at Ryan's, and skip out on the second round of the Spooktacular, due to the rain.

Bayleigh looked so exhausted. And I'm sure she was after her late nights and early wakings. I wish we could figure out what's scaring her at 3:30 every morning. I know it's rough on her, but it's KILLING me.

We actually got done fairly early, and just decided to call it a night. I got to water ski the whole 60 plus miles back home in the POURING rain, and it was around 10:00-10:30 when I finally got the kids bathed and put to bed. Eli stayed up until after 11:00 and it was close to 11:30 before I finally turned in for the evening. Sheesh. I need SLEEP! And lots of it!