Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 20, 2009

What a day, what a day! Bayleigh wasn't feeling well before bedtime last night, and this morning she got up with me at 5:00. As soon as the pediatrician's office opened I made an appointment to get her in, and after lunch we dashed to the doctor. We made a fairly quick trip of it . . . at least until we came upon this . . .

which I don't mind at all. The folks behind me might have been a little impatient, but living in a rural area like this, I'm used to such things. I wish others were a little more tolerant of farm machinery. And of course, I had to make a few side stops. Like the beach . . .

and although I had an unwilling subject, the scenery was beautiful!

After giving her permission to run . . . I DID manage to capture a few fun shots.

I also couldn't help but stop and grab this shot out of my side mirror, on the way home.

Bayleigh told me I was crazy for stopping in the middle of the highway to take a picture. And maybe I am! But I'm okay with that. Besides, I made sure no one was behind me before I stopped . . .

As soon as I got home, I had a call from Stacey, wondering if I could grab her kid +1 off the bus for her. So Bayleigh had a little company to play "Ponies" with. While they were playing, and Dave had Eli occupied, I ran upstairs to work on my daily layout.

Later, when I was picking up in Eli's room, I stumbled across a baby scorpion. He got flushed. I guess it's time to call the exterminator again . . . *sigh*

And after supper, baths and bedtime stories, Bayleigh insisted I sit at the end of her bed until she went to sleep. She's been doing this for the past week, which means I've been up until 11:00. This sure makes my 5:00 wake up come around WAY too early. This momma needs some SLEEP!

1 comment:

  1. Love that rear window shot!!
    Beautiful pictures as usual.

    I love those farm tractors.. reminds me of simpilier times.
