Today I'm thankful for "purpose". And although at some times I lose my sense of purpose, it always seems to come back to me. Now . . . if I could just harness that sense of purpose and keep going at an even pace.
Today at church, we finished up the kid's Bible School project. Noah's ark was the theme (and I think Tammy and Alex did an awesome job on that boat!). Bayleigh read the story, while Kasey, Alex and Eli manned the animals. Tammy was the bright and shining rainbow and I'm thankful she was there to help me out!
After church, I fixed lunch, unloaded and re-loaded the dishwasher, and did some laundry. I also ran 2.25 miles in 30 minutes, before I ate lunch myself. A monsoon moved in right after I finished my run, and I ended up unplugging things, due to all the flickering lights in the house.
I got online and ordered my next pair of running shoes this afternoon, too. They are a custom order, so it will take up to 4 weeks to get them. I'm pretty excited about them . . . Now if my old shoes will just hold out that long! (*I may be running barefoot by the end of the month!)
After I ordered my shoes, I helped Dave and the kids snap green beans. Dave hates snapping beans, but I don't mind, just so long as I don't have a bazillion other things I need to be doing.
I had planned on resting after church today, but something spurred me into cleaning a little bit, so I just went with the flow. Maybe tomorrow I can get caught up (or at least make a dent) in some of the housework. I'm hoping I don't have to go anywhere this week. A week at home would be WONDERFUL.
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