Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14, 2010

Today I'm thankful for a plan and FOCUS.

I chose another small part of the house to focus on straightening up, and I just have a little more to go and the sitting area/dining room will be done . . . hopefully with a little more artwork hung on the walls this week.

I'm already sick of picking, snapping, canning and eating green beans.

I ran 2.33 miles in 30 minutes today.  Bayleigh begged me to get to go to grandma's house this afternoon, so I made her clean up the living room floor before she went over.  It's amazing what a little incentive can do for a little girl.  Eli wanted to go too, but I kept him at home, so he could take his afternoon nap.  We ended up sharing a bowl of "Cheeta's", before his nap.  I think it's cute that he still calls them Cheeta's instead of Cheeto's.

I REALLY need to get out and take some decent photos.  For the moment, it seems like I'm focused on cleaning and running.  I need to throw some creativity into the mix soon.  Maybe tomorrow will present an opportunity.  I'm really just wanting to get things back in order before August.  I have big plans (and a new schedule) to work on, before school starts back up.  I can't believe that in four short weeks, Bayleigh will be headed back to school.  Summer vacation goes so very quickly.

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