Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1, 2009

We all had a good time today, coming up with creative things to do for the month. I've decided to combine my Project 365, with The Creativity Project, and it looks like there are some fun things ahead for March! (*See my list to the right.)

My little guy has absolutely NO problem with his creativity. I could take lessons from this boy!

This morning, he wanted cereal for a snack after he polished off his yogurt. He promptly took the cereal out of his bowl, and put it on one of Bayleigh's saucers. Next he moved it to his dump truck . . . and then he backed it up to the saucer and dumped it out, only to do it over and over again. Practise makes perfect, I suppose.

My Sunday School class always gets a good dose of creativity, too. Today's verse was Genesis 1:3. (*And God said let there be light, and there was light.) So we colored pictures of daytime and nighttime. The little guy to the left decided he wanted to draw pictures of the earth, too . . . so we all jumped in and made our own versions of the planet earth. Very cool!

On a humorous note . . . when the kids got up to say their memory verse, they all recited it perfectly, and then Bayleigh ended with "Jennifer" chapter 1 verse 3. She's a hoot. We'll work on the correct pronunciation for Genesis later this week . . .

I promised Bayleigh that we'd do something fun after church, and she chose to make cupcakes with her new cupcake maker. (*It was a Christmas present, and we're just now opening it on MARCH 1ST! How bad is THAT?!) I couldn't believe this little contraption actually worked! But apparently the cupcakes were good . . . the kids had them down before I could even get a bite. I must have been too busy taking pictures.

As for me . . . I did something simple today. I went upstairs to my extremely messy, soon-to-be scrapbooking room . . . dug out my WRECK THIS JOURNAL that I'd purchased during Stacy Julian's HAVE MORE FUN class, and turned to this page.

Since it snowed yesterday . . . I thought this would be a fun little element to add to the journal. I don't know if this would be considered creative or not, but it sure was fun!

1 comment:

  1. I think it can be considered creative! Looks like a fun-filled day.
