Thursday, March 5, 2009

March 5, 2009

I sorted some more photos today . . . and FINALLY got through the big heap of home renovation pics. I was really dreading that stack, but I feel SO much better knowing it's done!

Our fun and creative thing for the day was taking the kids out to fly kites. One ended up breaking right off the bat, but Eli didn't seem to mind . . .

and he got to play with Bayleigh's for a little while anyhow.

I think he was more interested in playing in the dirt though . . .

and just to prove that I was there . . .

here's me . . . windblown and all!

Another bonus for the day . . . my crocuses are coming up! Is Spring finally around the corner?! I certainly hope so!

*Edited 4/20/2009 ~ I entered photo #3 in the "I <3 Faces" photo contest.

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