The storms were rolling in right and left . . . severe thunderstorms, tornado warnings and flash floods . . .

I was so proud of myself! My computer was actually unplugged for over 24 hours! I'm getting in some good practise for Kimba's challenge on the 27th . . .

After the storms passed through, I picked up Bayleigh, from school for a 2:45 p.m. doctor's appointment. I'm guessing she has a version of what mommy has been suffering from. The doctor's office was crazy busy, but after an hour and a half, we finally made it out the doors and headed to Wal-Mart for a few groceries. I ended up getting the kids some Play-Doh for a surprise, for being (mostly) well behaved and after we got home they ripped into it and played with it up until supper time. I'm thinking it was well worth the money, for the peace it allowed me while I fixed supper.
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