I had everything packed and ready to go to Dave's folks house on this particular day, but we had a few delays . . . like having to fix Jewel's dog pen so she couldn't jump out while we were gone, and Dave's instructor from one of his classes called and hadn't received some of his paperwork from class so he had to re-send EVERYTHING and his computer was taking FOREVER . . . so in the meantime, the kids played with some of their toys . . .

like the farm set that Uncle Kevin and Aunt Stacey got them,which I had just cleaned out of the back of the Jeep the day before . . .
So we had a late start. And after eating supper at Colton's, we FINALLY made it to our destination! Eli quickly made a bee-line for grandma's little table of knick-knacks . . .
and then we spent the rest of the evening opening presents and playing with all the cool toys. We found out grandma could play a mean game of Whack-a-Mole . . .

and grandpa enjoyed a really quick cuddle from Eli, who was one busy little beaver. I swear he didn't shut down until midnight . . .
the little stinker!
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