Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9, 2009

While sissy is away, Eli will play! I couldn't resist getting a few shots of him putting on Bayleigh's fake lipstick. I just couldn't get over him holding the mirror up . . . where does the boy GET this stuff?!

And at least he was nice and put the cap back on the "lipstick". Thank heavens it was the plastic variety of lipstick, or I would have had a messy wall to clean, along with . . .

the disaster that used to be my dining room. I believe my next priority (after I clean up this mess), is getting one of the pantry's finished. Then the vacuum, carpet cleaner, humidifier, and other misc. will have a place to reside . . . instead of the middle of the floor.

I ALMOST finished cleaning up the above mess, but then it was time for Bayleigh to get off the bus. Eli seems to know when it's time for her to get home from school, because he climbs up into the window to watch for the bus.

You can barely see the bus in the background, just to the left of Eli's elbow. As much as he misses Bayleigh during the day, it doesn't keep them from agitating each other. I guess that's just siblings for you!


  1. LOVE the picture of him waiting for the bus!!!!Look at those tippy toes!

  2. Your pictures of Eli are so precious! He is such a sweet boy.
