He was running a low grade fever after church, and he's come down with a runny nose and a cough. It hasn't reached the "barking" level yet, so I'm hoping the humidifier, motrin and some cough medicine get him through the night, so I can get him in to the doctor tomorrow, if needs be. I'm praying that he doesn't come out of this with a full blown case of the croup.
On a more enjoyable note . . . I spent a very short period of time playing with my camera, and lighting . . . just to see what type of lighting I prefer shooting in. So far early morning light is my favorite . . .

but you just can't beat the colors of a beautiful sunset.
I thought it looked beautiful reflected off the glass.

And there's also something to be said about ambient lighting. So many choices and options! I guess I'll just take the opportunities as they come.

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