Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22, 2009

I took over 400 photos today and am still weeding through the results. Will update this post tomorrow . . .

*Edited 1/23/2009 ~ I finally went through all those photos and decided on the following . . .

Elvis and his favorite pasttime . . . birdwatching!

My guys taking a nap on the couch. While they were napping, I was . . .

working on taxes.

After Bayleigh got home from school, we played outside. The weather was WONDERFUL! Dave worked on expanding the garden, Bayleigh made mud pies. . .

and Eli was just plumb busy! Of course they both were covered in mud, and had to head straight for the bathtub when they came in.

After I made sure they were both scrubbed down, I got down to business making supper for the family. My little brother, my sister-in-law, my niece and one of her and Bayleigh's little friends came over for supper. Mom joined in, too. Dave grilled burgers and pork chops (and started a fire in the back yard, that we had to put out before supper), and I made potato salad and a cake. I think we were all full, by the time supper was over with.

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