Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17, 2010

Today I'm thankful for another lazy day.  I think Eli is enjoying my complete company and attention for large chunk of time as he plays away, instead of me running around all over the house picking up and cleaning up.  But I did manage to do some of that too.  Dishes and laundry were calling.

Since it's St. Patrick's Day, I decided to celebrate with my favorite beer.  This particular bottle was intended for New Years, but I just never got around to drinking it, so I'm gonna crack it open tonight.

I'm not a big drinker, but I do enjoy the taste of a good Guinness Extra Stout now and again.

And yes . . . I know.  I have expensive taste in beer.

It's a good thing the six pack that this one belongs to will probably last me the rest of my life.

Someone had given my sister-in-law a bag full of clothes for my niece.  One of the pairs of jeans were a size three and much too big for Kasey, so she brought them up for me to try on.  They fit perfectly, although I'm not really into having my underwear showing every time I bend over . . . so I'll be passing them along to someone who doesn't mind showing off their "sitter".  It's nice to know though . . . that all those work-outs and exercise are paying off.  Toning up the flab after having two kids is rather challenging, but I'm finding it's not impossible.  Down sizing the hips on the other hand . . . well.  I'm not going to write them off, but I'm not expecting any miracles either.

Especially when we're having the above for supper. lol  Dave actually took the evening off of doing clinicals, so he could spend time with us all, so we're going to gorge ourselves on finger foods and enjoy each other's company!

Hope you all have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

  1. The clothes looks as if they were perfectly made for you and you don't have to worry about your the workout, because its really working.

    You also have an amazing DoF on the first Guinness bottle.

    Great photos!
