Friday, March 19, 2010

March 18, 2010

Today I am thankful for foggy mornings and SUNSHINE.   It was extremely foggy outside this morning and I had to wait quite a while for it to get light enough to take photos.

There was a thin layer of frost on the ground and by the time I made it out to take photos, the frost was already turning into dew.

A few hours later, the sun was trying to make it's presence known for the first time in WEEKS.  I was so very glad to see it breaking through the fog.

Later in the afternoon, Eli and I went outside to soak up some of the glorious sunlight.  I found the Lilac bush was showing some buds . . .

and my Crocuses were blooming!  A SURE sign of Spring.  (Although the weather forecast for this weekend is 6-8 inches of snow.)

It was nice taking time to smell the flowers, and soak up this warm weather before Winter gives us it's last yee-haw.

But I will truly be glad when things warm up and I can fill this empty planter with some pretty flowers.

While we were out and about, we took a walk to my parent's house.  Eli stomped the puddles dry . . .

and snagged one of grandpa's equipment catalogs to browse through.  He's definitely all boy.

Bayleigh stayed all night at mom and dad's, along with Kasey . . . so I'm sure my folks had their hands full.  

I'm slowly breaking out of my reading coma (which is my only form of semi-vacation), but plan on easing myself back into my routines by Monday.  As much as I'd like to . . . I can't keep my nose in a book 24 hours a day.


  1. Yup, we've had fog in the mornings, too. I love it! And the sunny afternoons. Not excited about the possibility of snow, though. Hoping it will pass over us!

  2. Did I miss your blog yesterday? Or did you upload it a bit late?

    I can see some amazing photos on this blog. I think these are one of my favorites. Love the one with Eli looking down at the flowers and the other one with him walking in the pond of water.

  3. Shirley . . . it looks like the snow is here! It's been snowing all day and doesn't look like it's going to let up any time soon. (DRAT!)

    Hassan . . . No you didn't miss my blog. I've been playing a little hooky, and just got caught back up yesterday. lol
