Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010

Today I am thankful for tasks marked off my to-do list.  Sometimes my lists seem overwhelming, but as long as I keep putting one foot in front of the other, I somehow manage to accomplish a surprising amount of things each day.  Even with a headache.

It rained most of the day, and I think the weight of all the rain, after being buried under a foot of snow, might have been a little much for the daffodils today.  Maybe tomorrow the sun will warm them up a bit and they won't look so tired and worn out.

Bayleigh stayed after school to participate in the Jump Rope for the Heart event at school.  I noticed that a large majority of the kids sat on the sidelines and didn't really participate all that much, until they were forced to; which I think is a shame.  Kids NEED exercise and LOTS of it.  If for no other reason than to wear them out and give their parents a break.  lol

And after taking my ornery little boy with me, I was REALLY needing a little break.

I think the gym teacher felt sorry for me and asked if Eli could come and join in some of the games too.  (Bless you Mr. McGrady.)

Dave made it home safely from a two day school function, just after I got home with the kids.  Then he cut some more wood, and took both the kids to the library to give me a few moments of peace.

But it didn't last long.  My sister-in-law came up for a visit and stayed until after Dave and the kids got home.  It's always nice to visit, but I sometimes wonder what it would be like not to have anyone in the house and no interruptions.  I'm betting it would be BLISS.  But I'll probably never know.

The sun came out around 4:30 p.m. and I made it outside for a few shots.  The sunset was beautiful.  I'm already looking forward to Saturday, when I can sleep in and not have to pry my oldest out of bed to get ready for school.  But first, I've got to make it through Friday.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love that last photo.

  2. Its been all rain and no sun since this morning here too.

    Yeah, its a shame that kids don't want to exercise these days, during our time, we did nothing other than exercise.

    That was very nice of My McGrady for letting Eli join the other kids.

    Did I miss your post for yesterday? Because Eli's shot would have simply made it to my followers shot of the day.

  3. Thanks Allison!

    M. ~ I posted this one on time for a change, so maybe you just overlooked it. (*Thanks for squeezing me in anyway.) On the 26th, I posted it a day late (today), but I'll be back on track with today's! (Sometimes the kids and events bleed into my "computer time". lol)

  4. Yeah, I did overlook it, sorry!
