Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010

Today I'm thankful for nice weather!  Although I didn't take any photos until Dave got home from clinicals this afternoon; I think I made up for it, once we all headed outdoors.

While Dave split wood,

I roamed the yard with the kids, looking for any signs of life from my flowers.

My Crocuses must have shook off that foot of snow, and I found my Hyacinths in full bloom, too!

The kids quickly tired of exploring with me, and found their own extracurricular activity;

which unfortunately involved lots of mud.

Needless to say, I didn't jump in and participate.  Instead I found Fuzz Face soaking up some sun.  She's due to have kittens any time now . . . along with her partner in crime, Purr Face.  Anyone want some kittens?  They're FREE to a good home.

This Winter hasn't only been hard on us humans . . . my poor truck looks like it needs a good hosing down.

It's FILTHY both inside and out.  That might be a nice summer chore for the kids.

As I was getting ready to herd the kids into the house for a bath, I noticed this little dandelion growing up under the edge of the deck.  It was nice to see a bright spot of color.

Especially after seeing everything else around me covered in BROWN . . . including Eli.

After spending all morning cleaning the bathrooms, the kid's bathroom quickly turned into a war zone.  What a mess!  (Note to self:  Next time hose them down BEFORE they go into the house.)


  1. wow, what a difference a couple days makes! We didn't get any snow over the weekend, just cold rain. I love how your kids have mud all over them!

  2. Fabulous photos! I love the signs of spring... and you ARE the coolest mom EVER for letting them play in the mud! This is the stuff memories are made of. <3

  3. They truly make mud look good! Alex loves mud too! I totally understand what they can do to a bathroom,bathtub. Iam always surprised by the volume of organic matter left behind! LOL.

  4. Even though Eli's shot is from yesterday, I still decided to use it as my shot of the day for today.
