Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010

Today I'm thankful for more sunshine and water colors.

Eli decided that he wanted to paint this morning . . .

so we brought out the water colors.

He quickly traded in his paintbrush for his fingers,

but I managed to get him lined back out, and he painted for quite some time.  I like to watch him concentrate on things like this.  The human mind is truly a miraculous thing.

We took another walk this afternoon.  The Crocuses are such a bright spot coming up through the earth and I smile every time I pass them.

I'm afraid I won't get to enjoy them too much longer though.  Every time we go over to look at them, Eli has to pick a few.  Between Eli and the weather, these might not have a very long life span.

1 comment:

  1. Every kid prefers their fingers that a paint brush. He looks really focused and I'm sure he's enjoying painting.

    Don't worry about the Crocuses because I'm sure they'll survive Eli and the weather.
