Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 1, 2010

Today I am thankful for a new perspective; for art; and for another creative outlet in my daily routine.  Today is the first day of the L.ayO.ut A Day Challenge.  I've been looking forward to this for MONTHS.  (If you'd like to see my floudering efforts at scrapbooking, you can see the finished projects over at my "real" blog.)

Speaking of projects . . . back in September, I took a picture of the sunrise every morning.  It seems like the sun shines it's best and brightest in the fall, and no two sunrises are the same.

But in the winter time . . . seeing the sun rising at all is a wonderful gift.

I made several trips outside this morning to capture it as it made it's way through the sky.  It was phenominal this morning.

I love Monday mornings . . . (and yes!  I know that's probably a sign of some form of mental disorder . . .).  Back in the swing of routines.  Still learning to maintain, and balance it all out with a little fun.  While I cleaned the bedrooms, Eli brought out his toys, and I ended up getting side-tracked playing with the pigs, sheep, horses and cows.  We had quite a time.

After I finished my morning maintaining, I brought out some scrapbooking supplies and got busy.  (I really liked this overexposed shot of my supplies.  It has a soft surreal look about it.)

As I was gluing my fingers together, and cutting up paper, I looked back to find that Eli had fallen asleep on the couch. 

When Bayleigh got home from school, we played a game of checkers, and then I jumped into the meal preparations for the evening.  I fixed meatloaf, deer steak, broccoli and egg noodles with veggies for supper.  We're having leftovers for lunch tomorrow, although the family doesn't know it yet!


  1. You should turn in those photos of the sunrise to the weather channel!

  2. I love the sunset pictures a lot and the 3rd one is really amazing. It looks very surreal.

    Eli is super cute in this photo and that is well captured.
