Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17, 2010

Today I'm thankful and grateful to finish up some of the little pesky projects I had on my to-do list this year. 

I actually knocked out quite a few by concentrating on Eli's room.  I had pictures and a shelf to hang up on the walls; a second coat of paint to put on a section of one wall; paint to touch up (where it got nicked from moving furniture in last year); and border to put up.

I also had two huge garbage bags full of clothes to go through and sort, that my friend Nicole had given me back in JUNE!

Before I jumped in on the painting, I took some before pictures . . . because that's just the way I am.

Then I brought out the paint, and put the second coat on the above wall in an area measuring about 4 feet by 6 feet.  It looks MUCH better now.

After I touched up all the paint and cleaned everything up, I started on the border.

Just FYI . . . don't buy the $9.98 self adhesive border, if you have textured walls and use eggshell or semi-gloss paint.  It doesn't want to stick very well and I had to make several passes over it . . .

then I used spray adhesive, hoping that would help (it didn't . . . plus it made the border bubble up) . . .

(and this is a little off subject . . . but just look at the mess I can make, when I put my mind to it!)

So my last ditch effort at making things stick, was to pull out my trusty Glue Dots.  So far they're working, but I may have to buy enough to put a glue dot every inch (on both top and bottom) to get this stuff to stick!

I think it turned out rather well . . . even with all the difficulty getting it to stick, and Eli just LOVES it.  (Bayleigh and Eli spent all day and grandma's, so it was a big surprise when I brought them back home.)

Dave helped me hang the shelf above the bed . . .

and the pictures on the wall.

And now I'm going to have to pick up another batch of border to finish off two stinkin' foot.  Isn't that how it always works?  lol

After I swept the floors, moved all the furniture back to it's normal location, and put all the toys away . . .

I started sorting all the clothes.  I think it took me longer to sort/purge and put away all the clothes, than it took me to do everything else!   But now it's done and I can mark several of those little nagging "to-do's" off of my list.

I also ran 3.25 miles this morning.  3 miles in 34.59 minutes, and then I walked another five minutes to cool down and stretch my muscles.

I still have a big stack of clothes to try on Eli, to see if they still fit.  Maybe I'll finish those up after church tomorrow.

And I was pleasantly surprised by a visit from my cousin Jimmy late this afternoon.  I hadn't seen him in over a year.  He's planning on getting us some tickets for the rodeo next weekend so we can come up and visit him while he works at the rodeo.  Hope it all works out where we can go.  I think the kids would have a BLAST!

It's been another busy and productive day!  Gotta like days like this!

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