Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 6, 2010

Today I'm thankful for patience and the determination to push myself just a little bit farther.

We had big plans to take the kids to Silver Dollar City today, so I knew I had to get my run in a little early.  I initially thought I'd just run a quick mile or so, but one ended up being 4.47 in 1 hour.  As I started out, my right knee was really bothering me, but as I passed the 1 mile mark, it started to loosen up and I decided to go "just a little farther".  And as I progressed, I started pushing myself, and surpassing one goal after another.  I didn't think I could run at a steady pace of 4.5 m.p.h. for an hour, but I proved myself wrong today.

After we all got showered and ready to go, we headed South!  The kids were less than stellar today.  WHINE, WHINE, WHINE.  I'm not sure when we're going back, but I'm sure it will be much too soon for me!  lol  Maybe they'll be in a better mood next time.

And I decided to take my little Nikon Coolpix with me today, instead of my lovely DSLR.  In doing this,  I've learned a whole new appreciation for my Canon.  My poor little Nikon takes FOREVER to start up, and by the time it does, I've usually missed my photo op.  I'm thinking I need to upgrade my back-up camera at some point.  It IS five years old, but still takes some great pictures, just so long as you're not in a hurry to get a shot.  So I chose a few of the bright colored birdhouses to shoot.

When we left, I brought out my Canon and took a few shots.  It is so much quicker to focus!

We ate in Springfield, I ran through Wal-Mart for a few groceries and then we zipped home to get the kids changed into their jammies, and take them over to stay all night with grandma.  (Grandma wanted them to stay all night and have some play time with my niece, who was also staying all night.) 

Dave and I ended up staying up late and watching the latest James Bond flick on the DVR before heading off to bed, and it was somewhere around 2:00 a.m. before we got settled in for the night.  It was nice having some time to ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed at the way you push yourself to train. Keep it up!

    Hope the kids are in a better mood next time. So, your Nikon made you feel like I feel for months ;)

    Every relationship need some couple's time and so, you did a good job being together with Dave.

    Have a wonderful day!
